5th H3D Symposium

The 5th H3D Symposium will be held at the prestigious Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya Livingstone Resort in Zambia, providing a captivating backdrop near the magnificent Victoria Falls on the banks of the Zambezi River. This symposium will focus on the theme “Emerging Treatments for Drug-Resistant Infections of Bacterial and Mycobacterial Origin,” addressing the pressing challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Face-to-face exposure to more than 150 local, regional, and international delegates from tertiary institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, scientists, and researchers with a specific interest in TB, AMR & NTDS.
Utilise 5th H3D SYMPOSIUM as a platform to present your latest research, product development, science, and capabilities to a global audience.
Provides your company and your products visibility by supporting the 5th H3D SYMPOSIUM, the premier international meeting dedicated to the latest practices for addressing the pressing challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
An innovative programme comprising instructional course lectures (ICLs), the latest research, keynote lectures, oral and rapid-fire sessions and ePosters.
The symposium aims to foster interaction between high-profile, distinguished international scientists and diverse participants, including postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows.